Disability ministry

There are many members, but yet one body
— 1 Corinthians 12:14

What we believe

We believe that people of all abilities are created in God’s image and are an essential part of the Body of Christ.

Our Vision

Our vision is for First Presbyterian Church to be a church where people of all abilities find the place to belong, experience the love of Jesus Christ, minister to one another and become co-laborers for the Kingdom.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build relationships that welcome and support individuals and families impacted by disability in our congregation and surrounding communities. 


Adult disability ministry

Friendship Bible Class

This Sunday morning class with Bible teaching and activities is geared toward adults with various disabilities. 

The class meets from 10:45-11:30 am in the Friendship Room (lower level). New members are always welcome! 

Friendship Bible Club

Adults with various disabilities from our congregation and surrounding communities enjoy a time of fun and fellowship at Friendship Bible Club. We meet once a month from 2:30 - 5:00 pm. We enjoy a time of worship, a Bible lesson, activities such as crafts or games,  and everyone’s favorite, enjoying a meal together.


Children and Youth Disability Ministry



We provide buddies for children and teens with disabilities who would benefit from a little support to best experience the love of Jesus and develop friendships with others while participating in New City Kids classes, Kingdom Kids Club, worship services and/or youth group. 


Sensory Room

Our sensory room in the children’s area (second floor) is available if a child needs a sensory break. Disability Ministry staff and volunteers work together with our Family Discipleship staff and volunteers to help each child grow in their relationship with Jesus. 



If you have a child or teen impacted by disability, we would love to partner with you as we welcome your family to be part of God’s family at First Presbyterian Church. We believe each child is fearfully and wonderfully made with unique gifts and a purpose.  We will work closely with you to determine a best plan for your child as they participate in various family ministries and engage in worship.  

As the disability ministry grows, we hope to offer support and encouragement to parents and siblings too.



The Family Table: The Place We All Belong

At First Pres we believe that people of all abilities should belong, worship, and serve together. In January of 2021, our 7 week sermon series focused on the Family Table where we worshipped together as one and celebrated all abilities coming together. If you would like to see our full sermon series you can find it below:

Please enjoy our Psalm 139 video we created for our "The Family Table: The Place We All Belong" sermon series. Thank you to all participants. A Special thanks to James Mansen for filming and editing.

More Resources

For additional resources, please click on the link below!

Contact Us

Contact us using the form below to learn more about our Disability Ministry.